Arena – A Fast-Paced Multiplayer Shooter in Development
arena (working title) is a multiplayer old-school arena shooter being made with the Unity game engine. It’s a hobby project that I have been working on since 2016. It started as a warmup project before jumping into developing an MMO, but I have since learned how much work goes into making just a multiplayer fps. Especially as a solo project.
At it’s core, arena is supposed to be my attempt at recreating a mix of Quake 3 / Quake Live along with whatever else I decide to add.
Main features (so far):
- p2p multiplayer
- support for custom maps
- vq3-like movement
- rocket launcher + rocket jumping
- health pickups
- 3 gamemodes (FFA, TDM, Race)
I’m in the process of rewriting a lot of systems in the game at the moment because I’m switching from janky p2p multiplayer to an authoritative server setup with client-side prediction (more).